Pension Application, Marion County, Indiana
State of Indiana
Marion County
On this 4th day of September A. D. 1833, before the Marion Circuit Court now sitting, Joseph Roush (aka Rouse) a resident of the said county and state, aged eighty-four on the 15th day of February next, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States, under the following various officers, and served as herein stated, viz."
Capt. James Barbour and Capt. Harry Tolls, or (Toles or Towles) of the state of Virginia, was drafted for a tour of duty for two months, and marched about ten days to within four or five miles of Richmond, and was then ordered back and discharged. About two or three months, after which discharge, he was again ordered out for a tour of duty of two months under Gen. Muhlenburgh, Col. Alcock, and Capt. Mark Finks. Was marched to a place called Blackwater, that the American forces were driven thence by the enemy, upon Petersburgh, when there was a battle which lasted about two hours and the Americans were again driven back after which he was attached to the Hospital at Chesterfield Court House, and was driven thence into Carolina, crossing the Roanoke at Carter's Ferry on the /\return of the army and went to Richmond, remained two or three weeks there and went home about five days before the exhaustion of his tour, in consequence of a wound which his brother had received, having leave of absence accompany him home. He was sent under Cols. Washington and Gene Stephens and Major Graves another two months tour, and went through a town called Lacy Row, crossed the River at Sandy Point, towards Yorktown, and was at the ridge and surrender of that place by Lord Cromwell.
The detachment to which he belonged went to Winchester, and deponent being taken sick, went home about two weeks previous to the expiration of his tour and his brother, acting as his substitute, served out his tour and was discharged, that he has written discharges, but has lost them.
Deponent states that he was a drafted man in each particular case above specified that his place of residence at the time was Madison County in the state of Virginia, that he has no other documentary evidence; but that Ephraim Outs, Daniel Beeney & John Swindle, all residents of Boone County, Kentucky know of the service of this deponent, but that he does not know how to procure their testimony, that he has moved from Boone County, Kentucky about seventeen years before his removal hither, and has lived here about one year; that he thinks the County (in which he lived) was, at the period of his service, called Culpeper, but was afterwards divided, and that part in which he lived was called Madison, as above stated; deponent cannot remember dates and years.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity, except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension role of the agency of any state or any/only as that of the Agency of the State of Kentucky.
Joseph X Roush
Granted and Listed in open court
October 5, 1813
Test: M. Ray Clark